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Nemoralis Network

Wiğ Cyrnel - Indeterminate Saxon

eogone waeran Noğşaes sweoster;
şa wurdon şa nygone to VIII
şa VIII to VII
şa VII to VI
şa VI to V
şa V to IIII
şa IIII to III
şa III to II
şa II to I
şa I to nanum

şis şe lib cyrneles > be scrofelles
weorme[s] > aeghwylces yfeles.
(Sing bendicite nygon sişum.)

*** *** ***

ine were North`s sisters
Then changed the 9 into 8
and the 8 into 7
and the 7 into 6
and the 6 into 5
and the 5 into 4
and the 4 into 3
and the 3 into 2
and the 2 into 1
and thw 1 into none.

[Let] this [be] your remedy for a lump and for scrofula
and for worms and for every kind of harm.
(Sing the Benedicite nine times).
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Skye Domhain & Lucky Stone SkyElines - 08.08.2002 - Mailingliste abonnieren: